Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Crystal Palace

Everybody has a castle inside their soul. A castle where they hide and no one has access into. It's just that some people have the opportunity to make that castle real and hide their body too. Lord Coldlaw is one of those painfully trapped people who seemingly have a perfect life, a perfect financial situation, who are adored by millions of people and who can literally have anything they ask for. And what he chose to have is this giant concrete castle, which everyone admires but nobody dares to touch, because it can pierce them. He built that castle to escape everything and disappear and to be alone with the voices in his head. He likes to walk barefoot for hours through the long, dark corridors with the cold, stone floors. On the rainy days, he sits in front of one of the few windows with the dark glasses and watches the raindrops crash on the rocks. During these days, the voices in his head are so loud, that he can't hear the rain. But his eyes, they see clearer than ever. However, his favorite place is the small balcony in the west. He sits there every evening and watches the sunset, that marvelous dance of soft colors. But the sunset is not beautiful nor peaceful. For he is alone. And in the center of his soul, there is a huge hiatus. He watches the sunset without two hands touching him, nor two eyes looking at him, without having anything to wait for, nor anything to hope for.

One day, while he was watching the sunset, he heard a knock at the backdoor of his castle.

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